Anki is a robotics and artificial intelligence startup that puts robotics technology in products for kids. With $182.5 million in venture capital funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures, JP Morgan, Two Sigma, and others, Anki is the most funded consumer robotics startup in the world.
Anki saw social media as a way to reach their users and build community. However, the engineers and visionaries at Anki who built robot race cars and your new robot best friend, Cozmo, lacked the expertise to build the social following they knew they needed
Traverse built Anki’s social media organically from zero. In those early days, Traverse created the voice of the brand and developed a unique lexicon still used by the company even beyond social media. We produced numerous campaigns, photos, videos, and graphics including a monthly YouTube series and several weekly series that ran for over a year. Today, those accounts combined have over 200,000 followers.